Building with Mikey Block
Mikey Block is a simple product to build with, and made more so by following some of the guidelines provided here.
  • Most importantly, the walls should be dimensioned in one-foot increments. This will minimize the amount of cut block and create an environment in which any cut block can still be used in the walls. It will also maintain the structural integrity of the concrete and steel matrix.
  • Sound structural practices dictate that openings for windows and doors should be a minimum of two feet from a corner. Also, the space between openings should be at least two feet, although there are ways to decrease this to one foot with use of larger end elements.
  • Carefully consider the amount of window space you're designing into your structure. Keep in mind that, compared to Mikey Block walls, even the best windows are poor insulators. If in doubt, a good rule of thumb is to design each room with a window area roughly equal to 10% of the floor space for East and North facing walls and about 5% for West and South facing walls —or season to taste, depending on your particular environmental conditions.
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Detailing Windows & Doors
VIDEOS - Wet-set pour
VIDEOS - Grout Pour